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Oracle ERP & Retail

The Oracle Retail Merchandising System (RMS) is providing comprehensive functionality to execute core merchandising activities like product management, inventory replenishment, operational purchasing and vendor management.

It is often complemented with the Oracle ERP Finance Cloud to provide end-to-end processes including legislative and financial reporting.

Oracle is providing a standard integration (RMS-CFIN) for both systems which acts as an excellent foundation for seamless RMS ERP Cloud deployments.

Oralce Financial Retail Integration Cloud Service

Oracle®️ Retail Financial Integration Cloud Service
for Oracle Retail Merchandise Operations, Management and Oracle Financials
Implementation Guide, Release 22.1.401.0, F73165-01, November 2022


Leveraging these touch points, all master data and transactional data required for the

  • Procure2Pay

  • Order2Cash

  • Record2Report

Processes are covered.

Nevertheless, in order to meet customer specific requirements and to ensure a seamless end-to-end integration a joined RMS ERP-Cloud has to be planned and executed properly. Topics to be considered are:

Record to Report
Account Settings & VAT

Of course, the assignment of accounts in RMS and ERP Cloud have to be aligned. But especially for companies using a secondary ledger and a local Chart of Account (CoA) for statutory reporting  a dedicated account mapping is required to ensure, that the journals are in line with the enterprise GAAP as well as with the local GAAP. In addition, the tax codes/rates have to be aligned between both systems.

Stock Ledger Journals

There are various options on how to configure the exchange of Stock Ledger information which are the basis for the Inventory Valuations Journals. The transmission frequency and granularity have to be in line with the dedicated legislative requirements of the customer.

Foreign Exchange (FX) Rates

For the time being, FX management is managed in RMS as well as in the ERP Cloud – but not automatically aligned. To ensure an errorless processing of FX transactions, customers have to either apply a dedicated process for FX-transactions or they have to slightly extend the standard functionality for FX management across both systems.

Procure2Pay (P2P)

Usually, the operational P2P process is covered by RMS whereas the non-operational P2P process is covered by Oracle ERP Cloud. Both systems are capable of managing the dedicated requirements of each sub-process quite well. During design and setup it has to be ensured that ‘Vendor Filters’ -required for the synchronization of Vendor Master Data - are reflecting the supplier type in an appropriate way. In addition, the different ways on how to manage the exchange of Payment & Freight-terms have to be discussed.

Order2Cash (O2C)   

In many joined RMS ERP-Cloud implementation scenarios, the complete O2C is covered by RMS. A typical scenario for such an approach is a B2C Retail Business, where orders are managed via a WebShop and/ or a Point-of-Sales (PoS) System. In that scenario, only consolidated revenue data are transferred into the General Ledger and the only key decision to be taken is about the frequency and granularity of those revenue data transfers.

But especially in those scenarios where orders are processed via a Webshop in a B2B environment, it might be required to move the ‘collections’ part of the O2C from RMS to ERP Cloud. The reasons:

  • A dedicated receivables aging reporting is required

  • A dedicated collections process including  comprehensive dunning strategies has to applied

The impact of such a scenario:

  • Rather than just transferring consolidated revenue data into General Ledger, customer invoices (and credit memos) have to be transferred to Accounts Receivables - on a transaction level

  • In order to deal with these transactions, Customer Master Data have to be synchronized as well – along with additional Master Data like Payment Terms

  • And last but not least, incoming payments (‘customer receipts’) have to be applied to open invoices. The complexity of the receipt application ranges from ‘quite easy and straightforward’ -  by just ‘linking’ a bank statement line to one or more invoices - to extremely complex, especially if customer payments are managed by dedicated Payment Service Providers (PSPs) like Adyen, Stripe, Paypal, etc. In that case, PSP reports have to be matched against bank statement lines on the one hand side and to open customer invoices on the other hand side. Ideally fully automated and almost error-free.

Regardless how complex your requirements are, the combination of RMS and ERP Cloud is most likely providing a complete and excellent end-to-end solution for your retail Business.

By combining the expertise of Retail Consult ( and dbic, all aspects of a joined RMS ERP Cloud deployment are covered by experts.


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